AR and VR as a New Trend for E-Commerce: Steps and Features of Your Application

Jul 16, 2024

The e-commerce sector's operations have undergone a profound transformation due to the rapid advancements in technology, specifically augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). These technologies offer immersive and interactive features that enable consumers to interact with products in novel ways, including virtual try-ons and 3D product visualizations. Integrating these technologies into e-commerce platforms is a vital requirement for businesses today. Why? Read on to discover the answer.

ar in online shopping
ar in online shopping

Why E-commerce?

E-commerce is the source of exceptional convenience and accessibility for consumers, due to several compelling factors.

  • In contrast to visiting traditional brick-and-mortar stores, shoppers have the freedom to browse, assess, and buy products at any time, from any location.
  • Customers can easily find niche or specialized items on online retail platforms, as they often have a larger product range than physical stores.
  • E-commerce platforms use advanced analytics and algorithms to create personalized suggestions that match their customers' tastes.
  • Operating an online store typically entails less overhead expenses than maintaining a physical storefront. The savings can be transferred to consumers in the form of more competitive pricing.

Now, let's go over the advantages of integrating virtual and augmented reality in e-commerce.

Benefits Of VR And Ar Applications In E-commerce

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) integrated into e-commerce platforms bestow a wealth of benefits that transcend simple novelty and improve both consumer interactions and business operations.

Companies can create a strong connection between their products or brands and consumers through interactive engagement. Furthermore, these technologies enable ingenious marketing strategies and customer engagement approaches.

vr and ar in retail
vr and ar in retail

Some popular VR devices for e-commerce applications include:

  • Meta Quest. Meta Quest's headset instantly transports users to a virtual store and allows them to browse products as if they were right in front of them. This wireless VR headset is easy to use and doesn't require a PC. Anyone can go on a virtual shopping spree effortlessly due to its sharp display and intuitive controllers.
  • Microsoft HoloLens. This is your chance to see a combination of real and digital environments. This mixed reality device overlays digital elements onto the physical world. Perfect for interactive product demos or virtual try-ons.
  • Valve Index. This device is renowned for its exceptional build quality and breathtaking visuals. Yes, it requires a powerful PC, but the payoff is huge — precise tracking and ultra-responsive controllers that make interacting with virtual products feel incredibly realistic.
  • PlayStation VR2. Its high-resolution display and advanced tracking can be used for creating a virtual store where users interact with products dynamically.
  • HTC Vive Pro 2. This professional-grade headset offers stunning resolution and performance. Its robust tracking and comfortable design can serve as the basis for virtual showrooms or detailed product showcases.
  • Pico Neo 3. This all-in-one VR headset is powered by Qualcomm’s XR2 chipset and, being wireless, can be used for creating accessible yet captivating virtual environments.
  • Samsung Gear VR. Samsung Gear VR may not have the bells and whistles of some other devices, but it’s affordable, easy to use, and compatible with Samsung smartphones. It's a good option to introduce customers to VR via simple virtual tours or panoramic product views.
  • Google Cardboard. This device is literally made of cardboard and converts any smartphone into a VR headset. Sure, it’s basic, but it’s also brilliant for beginners. Like its counterparts, it's equally suitable for virtual tours or immersive product views without putting in a lot of effort.

Now that you know about a range of VR devices available, let's look into the primary benefits that AR and VR in e-commerce provide.

#1. Try Before Buying

The "try before you buy" feature is what makes augmented reality in e-commerce applications so beneficial. Customers can view how products would appear in their own surroundings or try on items virtually before buying them. For example, users can see how clothes, accessories, or even makeup will look on them using virtual try-ons.

This feature enhances consumer confidence and lowers the number of product returns. It tackles the uncertainty that frequently goes along with online shopping and enables customers to make decisions with greater certainty. Brands can use AR to allow customers to place virtual furniture in their homes and view dimensions, colors, and styles in real-time. This reduces buyer's remorse and increases overall satisfaction, as customers can see exactly how a product fits into their personal space before buying.

The "try before you buy" function also boosts the emotional bond between customers and products. If customers can understand how a product will fit into their lives, they are more likely to feel attached to it and make the purchase. High-involvement purchases like fashion, furniture, and luxury items require the sensory experience, and this feature is especially advantageous in such cases.

#2. Increase Brand Awareness

The use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in e-commerce can also increase brand awareness. These technologies create a distinctive and memorable virtual reality shopping experience that captivates customers and inspires them to share their impressions with others. When customers discover something new and interesting, they are more likely to discuss it on social media and with friends, increasing the brand's reach through word-of-mouth marketing.

Virtual showrooms or product demonstrations can be a way for brands to engage with their audience more deeply. Traditional marketing tactics cannot compete with these unique features. This leads to increased loyalty and repeat business.

Moreover, AR and VR can be integrated into marketing campaigns to generate excitement and promote both online and physical stores. For instance, a brand can launch an AR treasure hunt that takes participants to specific locations or products and results in an interactive promotional event. The purpose of these campaigns is to increase brand visibility through consumer interaction and participation.

#3. Appeal To New Customers

Adding augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to e-commerce platforms also draws in new customers, and here's how:

  • The novelty of an AR and VR experience attracts younger demographics, including millennials and Gen Z shoppers who are used to digital innovation, convenience, and interactivity.
  • AR and VR also dismantle geographical barriers, allowing customers from all over the world to interact with products as if they were present. This appeals to global shoppers who are hesitant to buy from overseas brands due to uncertainties about fit, appearance, or quality. For example, AR can be used by a customer in Europe to see how a furniture piece would appear in their living room, even if the brand is based in the U.S.
  • These technologies make it possible for brands to reach underserved or niche markets. VR is accessible for individuals with mobility impairments who may find it arduous to travel to physical stores. Virtual environments are easy to navigate and offer products to a wider audience, including those with specific needs.
  • AR and VR collect data on how customers interact with virtual products to let brands gain insights into consumer predilections and behaviors. This data can be then used to personalize marketing campaigns and product recommendations. The use of personalized experiences has been shown to increase customer acquisition and retention rates, as consumers are more inclined to engage with brands that comprehend their needs.
  • In addition, newness and excitement motivate users to share their experience on social media and via word-of-mouth. This organic promotion expands the brand's reach and lures new customers who are interested in the innovation their peers are talking about.

AR and VR integration for online retail can be a huge boon for attracting a diverse group of new customers, including tech-savvy users, international shoppers, and underserved markets.

#4. Intensify Consumer-product Connection

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in e-commerce intensify the connection between consumers and products and foster a deeper emotional resonance. These technologies allow consumers to have more meaningful and personalized interactions with products. Let's find out how that can be done.

  • AR and VR enable consumers to experience products in their own environments or on themselves. It increases their sense of ownership prior to purchasing the products. Customers can view the effect of a new piece of furniture on their living room or how a specific accessory complements their clothing, as an example. They are more likely to complete the purchase if they experience a sense of anticipation and attachment during this pre-purchase visualization.
  • These technologies also offer a multisensory experience that triggers stronger emotional responses. Consumers can better understand every aspect of a product with the help of virtual showrooms and 360-degree product views instead of simply viewing static images or descriptions. A VR tour of a new car model, for instance, allows a potential buyer to inspect the interior, feel the atmosphere, and even simulate a test drive.
  • AR and VR also facilitate storytelling, a powerful tool in marketing. Brands can use them to create compelling narratives around their products and help consumers visualize how these items fit into their lives. For example, cosmetic brands use AR to show a virtual makeover and demonstrate how a product alters the user's appearance and boosts their confidence.

These interactive experiences keep consumers' attention for extended periods of time. Extended interaction time leads to a more nuanced appreciation of the product's features and strengthened consumer-product connection. It also enables brands to offer personalized suggestions to every user.

#5. Optimize Supply Chain

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) also optimize the supply chain, and this is how.

  • AR's real-time data overlays help workers locate, pick, and pack items more efficiently. Workers who wear AR glasses can see digital markers that indicate the exact location of products, which reduces the time spent searching for items. This expedites order fulfillment processes, ensures timely deliveries, and boosts overall productivity. AR is also a great tool for training new employees with step-by-step guidance in their field of vision to reduce errors.
  • VR enables the simulation of warehouse layouts and workflows in a virtual environment. Managers can use VR to visualize and optimize the placement of goods. Consequently, it's simple to access high-demand items and storage space is efficiently utilized. The warehouse becomes more organized, bottlenecks are minimized, and the flow of goods through the supply chain is enhanced.
  • AR and VR also improve quality control due to more precise inspections of products. Before shipping products to customers, inspectors can virtually analyze them for defects and ensure that they meet quality standards. As a result, the rate of returns and exchanges is decreased and the expenses that come with managing defective products are saved.
  • AR makes communication and collaboration better throughout the supply chain. Remote teams can share live views of machinery, products, or production lines instantly with the help of AR-enabled devices. This leads to a more agile and responsive supply chain that addresses issues promptly and avoids costly disruptions.
  • AR and VR let stakeholders see every aspect of the supply chain process, from raw materials to finished products, in a virtual environment. This transparency allows for improved tracking and monitoring of goods, thus ensuring compliance with regulations and ethical standards. It assists in identifying areas for improvement, like reducing waste or improving energy efficiency, which in turn promotes a sustainable supply chain.
  • AR and VR help with demand forecasting and inventory replenishment. Businesses can anticipate demand fluctuations by creating accurate simulations and predictive models with historical data and real-time analytics. This prevents the possibility of overstocking or stockouts and keeps a steady supply of goods.

AR and VR integration for online retail leads to a more flexible, responsive, and durable supply chain that fulfills customer demands and contributes to long-term operational excellence.


How To Build E-commerce App With AR and VR In 6 Effective Steps

The creation of an e-commerce app with AR features is not formidable at all if you have a meticulous plan. The six essential steps listed below will assist you in creating a state-of-the-art e-commerce application based on these technologies.

shopping with ar
shopping with ar

Step 1. Define Goals and Performance Indicators for Your E-commerce Application

A successful e-commerce venture requires the foundation of well-defined goals and performance indicators. Begin by stating your primary ambitions. What do you hope to achieve by using this e-commerce application? Common goals include:

  • Augmenting revenue through increased transactions.
  • Enlarging the time users spend interacting with your app.
  • Expanding your client base to new demographics or regions.
  • Improving the user experience in order to increase loyalty and repeat business.

Maintaining focus and direction throughout the development process is possible when these goals are clearly articulated.

Once you have defined your goals, create specific metrics to gauge success. These KPIs should be exact, actionable, and aligned with your objectives. Consider the following KPIs:

  • Conversion rate. The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action (e.g., making a purchase). These KPIs are important for testing the efficiency of your sales funnel and AR/VR features.
  • User retention rate. The proportion of users who return to your app over a given period. If your app has high retention rates, it indicates that users receive ongoing value.
  • Average order value (AOV). The average amount spent by customers per transaction. This metric is used to gauge the success of cross-selling and up-selling efforts.
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC). The total cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and promotional expenses. Lower CAC implies more efficient marketing strategies.
  • Net promoter score (NPS). A metric that measures customer loyalty and satisfaction by assessing users' likelihood of recommending your app to others.
  • Bounce rate. The percentage of visitors who leave your app after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate indicates issues with user experience or content relevance.

Then, establish baseline measurements and set realistic targets. Make sure your goals are both ambitious and attainable, and encourage a sense of progress and momentum. Monitor your KPIs on a regular basis and use analytics tools to gather real-time data and generate reports. Periodically review these reports to identify trends, successes, and areas needing improvement. If you reach your targets, think about setting more difficult ones to keep growing.

Step 2. Describe Your Target Audience in Detail

To effectively engage and retain your potential customers, it's important to have a detailed comprehension of them, as this will enable you to tailor features, design, and marketing strategies. First, gather demographic data, including:

  1. Age.
  1. Gender.
  1. Geographical location.
  1. Income level.
  1. Educational level.

Demographics give you a superficial view; psychographics explore the psychological aspects of your audience in depth:

  1. Identify your customers' daily routines and habits.
  1. Determine what your audience holds important.
  1. The hobbies or activities your audience participates in can be used to guide content creation, product development, and marketing campaigns.
  1. Personality traits, such as introversion and extroversion, risk tolerance, and openness to new experiences, can have an impact on how users interact with your app.

Actionable insights can also be gained through behavioral analysis, which is based on how your audience interacts with your app and other e-commerce platforms:

  1. Study the buying habits of your audience.
  1. Analyze how often and at what times users interact with your app.
  1. Identify preferred shopping methods — do they favor mobile shopping, desktop browsing, or in-store pickup?

Afterward, combine the demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data to inform everything from UX/UI design to feature selection and marketing strategies in your augmented reality e-commerce app development. Personalization driven by deep audience understanding will improve user satisfaction and loyalty.

Step 3. Choose the Technology Stack for E-commerce Application Development

The technology stack you choose for your e-commerce app with AR features will have an impact on its performance, scalability, and user experience. This decision becomes even more complex when choosing between building native apps, cross-platform apps, hybrid apps, or progressive web apps (PWAs).

  • Native apps are created for one platform, either iOS or Android, using language and tools specific to that platform. Swift or Objective-C paired with frameworks like UIKit and SwiftUI are often used for iOS development, while Android development is generally done using Kotlin or Java with the Android SDK. Native apps are popular for their superior performance, as they are optimized for the designated platform. They offer complete access to device features like GPS, camera, and sensors, indispensable for implementing AR/VR functionalities. The drawback is that it requires significant development costs and time to create separate apps for every platform, as well as increased maintenance efforts to manage multiple codebases.
  • Cross-platform apps allow developers to write a single codebase that runs on several platforms. The use of technologies like React Native and Flutter aids in this approach. Cross-platform development is advantageous due to its cost-efficiency and quicker time to market, as it minimizes the development time and effort needed to deploy across multiple platforms. Moreover, it ensures a consistent user interface and experience. However, cross-platform software may fall short of native apps when it comes to complex animations and heavy computations, and some device-specific features may need additional native code.
  • Hybrid apps combine the components of both native and web applications in e-commerce, as they are essentially web apps enclosed in a native app shell. They are cost-effective and require less maintenance as they use a single codebase to deploy across multiple platforms. However, due to their reliance on web technologies, they often struggle with performance limitations and lack a seamless or responsive user experience as native apps.
  • Progressive web apps create an app-like experience directly through the browser, built using standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PWAs are accessible to a wider audience since they don't require installation. They are also cost-effective, requiring a single codebase for both web and mobile. Service workers enable PWAs to operate offline or on low-quality networks. Nonetheless, their access to device features is limited compared to native apps, and although they are improving, their performance is generally inferior to native apps.

Expert advice is necessary when choosing the right technology stack because it is a multidimensional decision. CodyUA, a professional development agency, can offer invaluable insights and recommendations customized to your particular project requirements and goals. Our expertise in e-commerce app development will assist you in navigating the many options available and make well-informed choices.

Step 4. Develop a List of Requirements and Necessary Features for Your E-commerce App

To design and function your app, you need a list of requirements and essential features. The key components are user authentication, product catalog, shopping cart, payment gateway, and order tracking.

As for AR/VR features, you may integrate the following ones:

  • Virtual try-on for online shopping. Allow users to virtually try on products like clothing, accessories, and cosmetics using augmented reality. This feature will reduce returns and increase purchase confidence.
  • 3D product views. Provide 3D models of products that users can rotate, zoom in on, and view from different angles.

Produce detailed specifications for every feature, outlining user flows, interface designs, and technical requirements. This exhaustive blueprint will be used as a roadmap, guaranteeing that all critical aspects are addressed during development.

Step 5. Create a Budget Based on the Required Features and Used Resources and Select the Desired Process

Create a budget that reflects all aspects of the development cycle, from concept to post-launch maintenance. Allocate funds for software licenses, development tools, human resources, and infrastructure. Select a development methodology, such as Agile, Waterfall, or a hybrid approach, that is consistent with your project's scope and timeline. This financial plan, along with a structured process, will aid in managing costs and streamlining execution.

Step 6. Build an Effective Marketing Strategy

To successfully launch and sustain your augmented reality e-commerce app, you need an effective marketing strategy. Create a strategy that uses multiple channels, including social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, email marketing, and SEO. Produce compelling content that accentuates the unique AR and VR features of your app. Use analytics tools to monitor the success of the campaign and adjust tactics as necessary. A marketing strategy that is well-planned can increase visibility, attract users, and drive conversions.

Best Examples Of Ar Implementation In E-commerce Apps

Physical and digital shopping realms are being fused by Augmented Reality (AR) due to interactive experiences. Here are some notable augmented reality ecommerce examples that show how different brands are using this technology to increase customer involvement and stimulate sales.

virtual reality online shopping
virtual reality online shopping

Ar In The Furniture Industry

AR is an innovative way for consumers to shop for home furnishings since it lets them imagine how furniture pieces will look and fit in their own spaces before making a purchase. Here are a few applications of AR in the furniture industry:

  • Ikea Place. Customers can use their smartphone cameras to place 3D models of Ikea furniture in their homes using this app. They don't have to visit a physical store to see how different pieces will look in their rooms.
  • Wayfair View in Room. Wayfair's AR feature makes it possible for shoppers to visualize furniture in their space by superimposing 3D models on real-world images captured using their devices.
  • Houzz. The Houzz app enables users to see furniture in their homes and allows them to customize it virtually using changing colors, materials, and configurations.
  • Overstock. Customers can view detailed, interactive demonstrations of furniture items through Overstock's AR functionality. This includes moving parts or opening drawers to better understand the product before purchasing it.

AR helps customers visualize furniture in their actual space, thereby reducing the chances of returns due to mismatches in size, color, or style. The ability to view and interact with products in a virtual setting increases buyer confidence, which results in higher conversion rates and higher sales. AR also allows for customizations and personalized visualizations that match personal preferences.

Ar In The Fashion Industry

Fashion industry shoppers can now visualize and interact with clothing and accessories in ways that weren't possible before due to AR. Some augmented reality ecommerce examples in the fashion sector include:

  • Zara. Customers can view virtual models dressed in Zara's most recent collections through their AR app. Shoppers can point their smartphones at a specific area in the store or at Zara packaging to view these virtual fashion shows.
  • ASOS virtual catwalk. ASOS uses AR to allow customers to see how clothes look on virtual models walking down a catwalk. This feature helps shoppers get a better sense of how garments move and fit.
  • H&M smart mirrors. H&M has introduced interactive mirrors in some stores that use AR to suggest outfits and allow customers to see how different clothing items look on them without physically trying them on.
  • Uniqlo magic mirror. Customers can virtually try on various colors and styles of clothing through Uniqlo's AR mirrors. They make it simple and hygienic to explore different options without the hassle of changing outfits.
  • Nike Fit. Users can scan their feet with a smartphone camera using Nike's AR app to find the perfect shoe size. Such personalization ensures a better fit and decreases returns due to sizing issues.
  • Gucci Sneaker Garage. Customers can try on and customize sneakers through Gucci's AR app.

Virtual try-ons for online shopping and accurate sizing tools help set realistic expectations and reduce the number of returns due to sizing or style mismatches. Virtual interaction with products increases buyer confidence and leads to higher conversion rates and sales.

Ar In The Household Appliances Industry

AR allows buyers to envisage how appliances will fit and function in their homes before making a purchase. The noteworthy applications of AR application development in the household appliances sector are the following:

ar e-commerce
ar e-commerce
  • Ikea Place. While Ikea Place is primarily focused on furniture, users can also visualize household appliances like ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers in their home settings to see how these items harmonize with their existing decor.
  • Samsung Home Experience. Samsung's AR app allows users to virtually place various home appliances, such as washing machines and microwaves, in their living spaces.
  • Bosch virtual kitchen. Bosch employs AR to furnish detailed demonstrations of their kitchen appliances. Interactively exploring features and functionalities, such as opening oven doors or turning on stovetops, is possible for users.
  • Whirlpool. This app allows customers to see appliances in their kitchens and interact with them. For instance, users can view inside a refrigerator or experience different washer cycles virtually.
  • Miele@home. AR is now a part of Miele's customer support services. Technicians use an AR app to guide users through troubleshooting and maintenance tasks remotely with no need for in-person visits.
  • GE appliance diagnostics. Users can identify appliance issues by using GE's AR features that overlay diagnostic information onto the appliance itself.

AR's ability to show customers how appliances will fit and function in their spaces helps establish precise expectations and reduces returns due to size or performance discrepancies. AR also offers real-time, visual guidance for installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

Cody Experience

Cody is a software development agency that is well-known for transforming digital products with superior expertise in various technological areas, such as AR application development. Here’s what we offer:

  • Digital transformation services. Cody focuses on using cutting-edge digital technologies to transform business operations. Regarding e-commerce apps, we integrate AR and VR features to improve user shopping experience.
  • Custom software development. Cody's skill set includes designing and implementing AR and VR functionalities that permit users to view products in 3D, try on virtual items, or explore immersive store environments.
  • Build-operate-transfer (BOT). Cody can create and run IT units that are customized for your augmented reality e-commerce project through our BOT services. This guarantees that AR and VR technologies are integrated as a solid foundation for ongoing innovation and scalability.
  • Strategic staff augmentation. Cody offers competent professionals who can integrate with your in-house team. AR and VR development can be complicated, but these experts will handle it to ensure your e-commerce app benefits from the latest advances in these technologies.
  • Solution evaluation and audit. Cody will give you insight into how your tech team performs and executes. We will examine the integration and performance of AR and VR features to guarantee high-quality results and fix any technical debt.

These are only a few of the services we offer. For more information, visit our homepage or reach out to Cody's team directly.

So, what are the benefits of developing augmented reality e-commerce apps with Cody?

  • AR and VR features we implement will help your customers interact with products in a more realistic way.
  • Enhanced visualization and interactive experiences will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • The use of virtual try-ons and realistic product visualizations in your e-commerce app will help set precise expectations and decrease the likelihood of returns.

Cody aims to empower businesses with state-of-the-art digital products and services. We are ready to become your partner in creating an advanced e-commerce app that uses AR and VR technologies to deliver an exceptional virtual reality shopping experience.


The integration of AR and VR into e-commerce applications will result in a change in how consumers interact with online stores and products and markedly boost their gratification. Collaborating with Cody is a good way to effectively incorporate AR and VR into your e-commerce platform. Our exhaustive digital transformation services, bespoke software development, and strategic support will ensure that your applications in e-commerce always remain state-of-the-art.


What is the significance of incorporating AR and VR in e-commerce applications?

Integrating AR and VR in e-commerce allows customers to visualize products in their own environment or try them on virtually. An increase in engagement leads to better customer satisfaction, increased confidence in purchasing decisions, and ultimately higher conversion rates.

How do AR and VR technologies enhance the user experience in online shopping?

Customers are able to virtually test products and explore virtual store environments thanks to lifelike visualizations and interactive features offered by AR and VR.

Are there specific industries within e-commerce that benefit more from AR and VR integration?

Yes, sectors such as fashion, furniture, and household appliance industry greatly benefit from AR and VR, as these technologies allow customers to visualize products and clothing items in a realistic manner.

What challenges might businesses face when implementing AR and VR features in their e-commerce applications?

Businesses may face challenges like high development costs, technical complexity, and the requirement for constant updates to keep up with rapidly advancing technology.

Can small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses afford to adopt AR and VR technologies?

Yes, while initially expensive, scalable AR and VR solutions are becoming more accessible, so that small and medium-sized businesses can adopt these technologies with thoughtful planning and investment.

What security measures should be considered when utilizing AR and VR in e-commerce applications?

Security measures include robust encryption, secure data storage, and stringent user authentication protocols to protect sensitive customer data and ensure safe transactions in AR and VR environments.

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